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  • Writer's pictureAvalon Karatau

Day 39: Gulambali & The Pelican Chronicles

Updated: Sep 19

Today, we're swapping the dusty boots for paddles and embarking on a Whoop Whoop Walk About canoe tour through the legendary Gkow Swamp – home to some of the most majestic birds in the bush, including the sacred Australian pelican. But don’t let their graceful glide fool you – according to the Wangkamura people of South Australia, these feathered giants are responsible for giving us opals and fire! Yep, that’s right – our mate the pelican helped kick-start civilization.

On this adventure,12 brave souls joined me for a day of canoeing with River Country Adventours, dodging more branches than a koala on Red Bull. As we paddled past ancient burial sites, we learned the true significance of these wetlands, especially the cultural importance to the Indigenous people who have lived here for thousands of years. It's not just a scenic paddle, folks – it's history in your hands.

Of course, things didn't always go according to plan – one of our guests thought it would be hilarious to re-enact a pelican’s dive and tipped his canoe. With a splash loud enough to scare every bird for miles.

As we glided through, we were met with the haunting cries of kookaburras and the eerie stillness that only a sacred site can bring. You almost expect the pelican to drop a gemstone into your lap as a souvenir. And speaking of birds, let’s not forget our audience of ibises. They may be called bin chickens in the city, but here, they’re the royalty of the swamp (just don't leave your lunch unattended).

For all the campers, hikers, kayakers, bird watchers, and those who like their nature with a side of black humour, this is an adventure you won't want to miss. Think of it as Uluru meets the Daintree but with a pelican twist!

So pack your sense of adventure, your driest Aussie wit, and maybe a towel for when you meet your own "Willy the Wet Pelican."

☎ 0402 606 481

Pack your paddles, people – and remember, it’s not an adventure until someone’s wet!

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