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  • Writer's pictureAvalon Karatau

Day 33 -The Sunbury Earth Rings-More Than Just Circles

Out here in Sunbury, just a hop, skip, and a gumleaf away from Melbourne, the Sunbury Earth Rings sit like ancient fingerprints on the land, etched by the Wurundjeri people. These rings are not just flattened football fields or parking lots for UFOs (contrary to local legend). Nope, they were once ceremonial sites where stories, traditions, and a bit of blood, sweat, and tears were shared by our Aboriginal ancestors.

At first glance, you might think, "Mate, it’s just a big dirt circle!" But hold your horses (or kangaroos). These rings are a testament to a time when the land was alive with ancient ceremonies. According to archaeologists who’ve had a poke around, they reckon these bad boys could be over 1000 years old! Imagine what those walls have seen – initiation rites, stone knives, rituals. Pretty epic, right?

Rituals, Scars, and the Tale of the Earth Rings

Now, back in the day, these rings were not just for admiring the landscape. No, sir! This is where the serious stuff happened – the kind of stuff that would make your eyes water. Think ritual scarification. That’s right – young men and women would stand tall and receive scars that weren’t just for decoration. In parts of Australia, these scars were a badge of honour, a way of saying, "Yeah, I’ve been through something tough, and now I’m part of the mob."

If you were here during one of these initiation ceremonies, you'd hear the crack of stone knives, the hum of chants, and witness the bravery of those receiving scars – each one a permanent reminder of their connection to culture, land, and identity. Each cut told a story of strength, pain, and endurance, marking major milestones in their lives.

Why You Should Care – And Book Your Tour Now

Now, I know what you’re thinking: "Why should I visit a bunch of dirt circles?" Well, here’s where the Whoop Whoop Walk About magic comes in. We don’t just show you the sites; we bring them to life with wild stories, hands-on experiences, and maybe a bit of boomerang action (where you’ll find out that a “boomerang” isn’t just a tool, it’s an exercise in dodging embarrassment when it doesn’t come back).

We also throw in a bit of bush tucker, some didgeridoo-playing tips (spoiler: it’s all in the lips), and a deep dive into the ancient practices of the Aboriginal people. Sunbury Earth Rings may have seen a bit of suburban encroachment over the years, but out here with us, you’ll get the full ceremonial experience – no dodgy housing estates included.

Protecting the Legacy (and Keeping the Developers at Bay)

Unfortunately, not everyone respects these ancient sites like we do. Some of the rings have had close calls with housing developments (yep, almost ended up in someone’s backyard or worse – a traffic roundabout!). That’s why it’s so important to visit, learn, and spread the word about keeping these places preserved for generations to come. The more you know, the more power we have to ensure developers don’t pave over our heritage.

Join Us for an Unforgettable Experience

So, what are you waiting for? Grab your hat, slap on some sunscreen, and join us for an adventure that’s part history lesson, part comedy show, and full of unforgettable moments. Whether you’re into ancient sites, cultural traditions, or just want to throw a boomerang without knocking someone out, Whoop Whoop Walk About has got you covered.

Let’s walk through history together, dodge suburban development, and maybe even leave with a bit of newfound knowledge – or at least a sunburn and a story or two. Book your tour today, and let’s give these earth rings the respect they deserve, Aussie style!

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