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  • Writer's pictureAvalon Karatau

Day 27: A Hauntingly Good Time at Ghost Gum Forest

G'day folks! It’s Day 27 of the WACKED OUT Walk About, and today we’re diving deep into one of the spookiest places this side of the bush—Ghost Gum Forest, nestled in the heart of Bunya Bunya Hills. Now, I know what you’re thinking: "Avalon, there's no such thing as ghosts!" Well, let me tell you, after what we experienced today, I’m not so sure myself!

Legend has it that this forest was home to the powerful Wanjina spirits, guardians of the land. The elders say that if you listen carefully when the wind howls through the ghost gums, you might just hear the whispers of these ancient beings… or is that just my stomach growling from skipping breakfast? Hard to tell sometimes.

The Tour Begins: Nothing Could Go Wrong… Right?

We started our day bright and early, walking through the towering ghost gums. The trees here are stark white, with branches that stretch out like bony fingers trying to grab ya! Very inviting. I told the group not to worry—no one’s ever gone missing here... recently, anyway.

Just as I was explaining the “spiritual significance of this sacred ground,” we heard a soft rustling in the bushes. No worries, I thought, just the wind. But nope! Out jumped a kangaroo, and let’s just say a couple of our city-slicker tourists nearly jumped out of their own skin! Poor roo was more scared than we were—must have thought we were the ghosts!

A Few Odd Occurrences…

Now, I don’t believe in ghosts, but when your GPS suddenly stops working, and your compass spins in circles, you start to wonder. One moment, we’re walking due north, and the next, we’re completely turned around. Some say it’s the Wanjina spirits messing with our modern tech. I reckon it’s more likely I just forgot to charge my GPS. Either way, makes for a good story!

To lighten the mood, I gave a quick lesson on boomerang throwing, figuring a bit of bushcraft would distract the group from the eerie vibes. Of course, the first throw went straight into a tree and didn’t come back. (Note to self: invest in a self-returning boomerang.)

The Wind Whispers… Or Is That a Kookaburra?

As we trekked deeper into the forest, the wind began to pick up, making the ghost gums sway and creak. I could’ve sworn I heard whispers—just your classic Wanjina chitchat, I’m sure. The group got quiet, and I decided it was time for a good ol' campfire yarn.

I told the tale of a local bushranger who vanished here many moons ago. According to legend, he wandered too close to the Wanjina's sacred spots, and—POOF!—he was never seen again. Right on cue, a kookaburra burst out laughing from the treetops, and if I didn’t know better, I’d say he was mocking my storytelling abilities.

The Big Finale: Fire-Starting (Almost) Success!

To cap off the day, I figured I’d show the group how to start a fire the traditional way—you know, a bit of good ol' fashioned rubbing sticks together. After a solid 30 minutes of trying (and failing), I let out a humble cough and grabbed a lighter from my pocket. The group didn’t seem too disappointed, though—they were just happy the "spirit-fueled" fire finally got going. What can I say? Sometimes you need a little modern help in the bush.

Takeaways: The Spirits of the Forest… and My GPS

In the end, no one got whisked away by the Wanjina spirits (though a few might have lost a bit of nerve when the kookaburra wouldn’t stop laughing). We finished the day with a smoking ceremony to “ward off any cheeky spirits”—or in this case, just to give everyone a cool Instagram photo. All in all, it was a cracking good time in the spookiest spot this side of the outback.

So, if you’re ever feeling brave, come on down to Ghost Gum Forest… just make sure you bring a fully charged GPS and a pocket full of jokes to keep the spirits entertained!

For more details or to book your own WACKED OUT Walk About, give us a call at 0402 606 481, send an email to, or visit our website at We promise an adventure you won’t forget (even if the spirits don’t let you).

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